Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

New WordPress theme: Minty

I decided to be a good girl and re-designed my blog. Woot woot! I think I deserve some claps, it’s been long due. It’s quite a quicky job, I usually take a week to finish a theme. ย This baby took me 4 days. I may be a snail at coding, so please don’t judge. Being fickle minded certainly did not help. And sometimes I argue with myself whether to add that 1 pixel detail no one would notice.

Screen Shot 2013-07-29 at 7.16.09 PM

Why Minty? Simply because the main colour is mint green. I’ve been wanting this colour to wear for coming Eidulfitr, but I couldn’t find one that is pregnant-friendly, so I had to compromise with my all time favourite colour, pink. Hence, to satisfy that need to own something of mint green, this theme was born.

Speaking of pink, did you notice I did not abandon my pink color for this theme? The coral pink does go pretty well with mint green, don’t you think? If you see some glitches and minor inconsistencies, do not panic. I’m still tweaking some minor details of this theme.

I’m so excited now, I love this theme! And will probably love it more once it’s done 100%! ;D



  • Nice layout.

    Can wait to see the final product. My only comment the color is a bit washed, might want to try something stronger or different font. It is hard to read.

  • Saffa

    Loveeee the layout! And I agreed with your husband. The mint green fonts on white-grey-ish background macam susah nak baca sikit / nampak because there’s not much contrast.

    • Aisyah Post author

      Thank you Saffa! Yes, quite hard to read. Unfortunately it only looked good on my pc. Tgk kat mac nampak hampeh. Haha. Still tgh tukar2 colour mint green punya fonts. Actually nak pastel, tp tak practical plak. Haha denials denials. :p

  • t.a.t.a

    Aisyah, selamat ber ramadhan. Nice layout. Nice combination colors, but had to agree with Saffa. Susah nak baca dan font pun tak besar. So memang kena baca dengan berhati-hati dan betul-betul.

  • Lovelyyy colour combo! And the style pun ade ala2 vintage/pinterest-ish (for some reason).

    Nak fix typo please! Kat header atas tu, I guess “And” should have a capital A sebab dah fullstop after “sewing”. ๐Ÿ˜› (Don’t mind me. I’m OCD that way………..)

    • Aisyah Post author

      Thank you! Yes, ala2 vintage gituuu. (not sure what you mean about pinterest-ish, though? haha)

      ohh thanks for the alert. Actually, I don’t think “and” should be used as the beginning of a sentence in the first place, but I had to. =P

      • Yes, I agree with Aisyah. Words such as ‘and, but, or’ are not supposed to be use at the beginning. They are a conjunction words, which should use between the words they are joining.

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