Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

umm back from hiatus? for now..

ohmygod I haven’t been blogging since forever! (as if this is the fist time, pffft!). Well, actually, I haven’t been blogging ever since that blogger convoy to KNizam’s wedding that was supposed to be updated after Kg. Kepayang entry but I didn’t get the chance to.



The picture is just.. well bonus. Me and Eny of Sickchild72.com haha. You can read more about KNizam’s wedding at Noktahhitam’s blog.

After the wedding, things got pretty hectic in college. We were working on site analysis and making site model of Kg. Kepayang. The result was quite satisfying.






Somewhere in the middle of making models and manual drawings for Working Drawings assignments, I had to have lunch on the corridor in college like a homeless person buat tak malu je with Danang. and then I got fat.


Right after working drawings were done, Danang and I jumped of joy as it was one week mid semester break for us! Pictures are not available as it might appear too obscene to some.

That weekend of no assignments I spent my time sleeping and movies marathon until I was woken up by the absolute horror: BOREDOM. So, I got itchy and began to start on something to do. As some of you might already know (if you follow me on twitter) my rabbit gave birth last month.

The babies are about 40 days as of today. 8 days when this video was recorded.




yeah. I built a rabbit hutch! I absolutely had no idea how does woodworking work and my dad refused to help eventho he had done a lot of woodworking before when we were still kids. I did a bit of research beforehand on how to do this and that but still I couldn’t really imagine because I had never worked with wood before. At least nothing like building frames. and as it turned out it’s actualy quite easy if you plan beforehand and know all the components. Unfortunately I didn’t.

The only thing I had planned was how the frames is gonna look like when all is done, so a lot of trial and error, tears and frustrations was involved. Luckily I had my brother to help me with the more demanding job. Mum also helped with the nailing. heck, even my grandmother helped! hahah. Eddie, my sister and dad also helped a bit. The first three days of doing it, I lost 2.5kg despite eating rice THREE times a day! So you can imagine how much energy woodworking demands.Unless, if you have power tools -_-


so, ta-da! The final result. Total floor area is 5’x3′. I used a transparent plastic roof because mum and I were planning to put it under the shade anyway. But at specific times of the day, the sun shines on a  third of the hutch so we put cardboard on top of it just to shade it. It’s more pricey than zinc or aluminium roof, but it’s a good choice. Though an opaque plastic roof would be better, transparent makes it look more elegant. haha.

We also put some plywood sheet on one side of the hutch when it rains heavily because the rain gets blown into the hutch. I also designed a simple separation mechanism to separate a third of the space for Bobby because he’s getting aggressive lately and has been abusing Gorgeous (the big, white rabbit). I also stained the wood with varnish to make the wood lasts longer.


The rabbits are definitely loving their new place. The babies keep running and hiding in the dome we bought a long time ago. It’s nice to see they are getting some exercises while being safe. Currently I don’t dare letting them out running free at the backyard because I saw a baby snake while I was doing the wood working at the back. Fortunately a wild cat came and ate the baby snake. I thought the cat was just playing but no, the cat freaking ATE it! Guess it’s so hungry it’d eat anything. It was a wise choice to use small wire frames. We also stopped shooing the cat away.

All in all, I’m happy with the outcome. Mum was skeptical about the idea at first but I did it! and since I’ve learnt a lot from this project, I wouldn’t mind doing another woodworking project. Definitely going to be better. Oh, and guess what? Eventho dad didn’t want to get involved, he told mum that he’s impressed with this hutch. Yeay! So proud of myself. and of course, this wouldn’t happen without help from my siblings, mum, grandmother and Eddie. hahah

oklah babai.

p.s, will post a a recent videos of the baby rabbits soon! (in case anybody wants to see it…)


  • bring back your old theme. this one feels dull.

    Glad you made your hutch. I am so proud of you for not depending too much on other’s help. Well Done darl!

    • Aisyah Post author

      hahah! I’d have to edit my old theme to get it to work with the new one! But it feels like a chore to relearn the codes. zzzz.

      anyways, thanks for your support hun 🙂

  • Baby bunnies geliiii! ^^” They’re so tiny! Telinga pendek! xD

    But yes, want more bunneh videos please! 🙂

    And well done with the … sangkar? Reban? (What is hutch in BM…?) Nasib baik tak kena draw plans sections elevations before buat. =PPP

    • Aisyah Post author

      you should’ve seen them when they were just born! They move like little worms ok. yeay, one vote for the videos, woot! 😀

      hutch in BM reban kot? and no no, I did draw the plans and elevations first! HAHA should’ve drawn the detailed drawings too but I didn’t know how to make the joints before. so..

      • OMG. Mmg architecture student sejati ah Aisyah! ^^ LOL yeah section details would be fascinating. ;p

        • Aisyah Post author

          hahah tu la pasal. but in the end, tak accurate sangat sebab the lumber sizes are off and blablabla banyak jugaklah setbacks but there’s always solution and compromises. Seriously, rasa macam, I’m the boss but I’m my own pekerja buruh. my mum’s the client and advisor. hahahah

  • thanks for coming to our wedding. nanti next month we all bawah balik henna from islamabad ya. hehe 🙂

    • Aisyah Post author

      yeap, it was my pleasure to come to your wedding. congrats again! and, jangan lupa tau! hehe :p

  • oh well, it looks very nice, the ‘reban arnab’. hehe. congrats aisyah!

  • you do it by yourself? omaigodd i guess i pon xkan boleh buat cmtu. haha 🙂

  • wow, youre gajus, i mean gorgeous

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