Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

so this is . :(

oh wow. Where did I go? Hm, that was quite a long hiatus without notice? (then again nobody cares). hahahahhaha! Truthfully,I want to make some changes in this blog. I want to update on my latest creations, whatever it may be, sketches, studio assignments, clothes, photos, and maybe paintings if I’m not too embarrassed. These past few months, after this blog was hit by a lot of visitors once upon a time, I no longer feel comfortable blogging about my ‘interesting’ daily life experience. So I think it’s best to officially make some changes.

So I have two choices.

Number one, keep this blog, redesign, and update on arts.

Number two, say goodbye and if I want to continue blogging, get hosted on some free weblog host, like Blogger or WordPress.com and start blogging there.

Although, I intend to make my next blog (or my newly enhanced, whatever you want to call it) to be very, very, casual and of course, less vulgar words. and less horny jokes. If I can I help it. hahahah. HOWEVER, option number one is not possible so far cause I am broke as always, soooooo I’m left with option number two.



This is why I didn’t update my blog lately, I know I’ll have to write this entry at some point. It’s. too. painful. *cries more*


BTW, this blog expires on 29th January I think. So.. I can still update some more stuffs while I can.

Just in case if I didn’t get to update for some unforeseeable reasons, I want to say thank you to those who had and have been supporting me for all these short two years and I’m so sorry if I have offended anyone in any way.

Also, big, big, bigggggggg thanks to Muhammad Khairul of Sembangkomputer for sponsoring this blog for a year. Thanks a bunch! Here, some hugs and kisses from me. hehe :p


  • ajmal


    use posterous!

    • Aisyah Post author

      what’s posterous?

      • ajmal

        its like a blogging platform with lotsa social media integration.

        Some cool features like autopost across Flickr, FB and others (of course with your consent). And then there is this feature where u cud post from Gmail directly to your blog.

        Best of all its free.

        ps: is the **r**m* needs a refill? 😛

  • keep on posting your artworks! 😀

  • Aisyah! please let me know your new blog link okaayyy! =)
    And hey.. apasal studfetish senyap jer! Bila nak restock new items ni? =P

  • Aww, no need to thank me. I might just buy this domain and start a fake AisyahRozi blog 😛

    Anyway, yeah, like Ajmal, I highly suggest using Posterous. Perfect for casual blog – short posts, easy to maintain, and lotsa fun.

    Good luck in everything you do 🙂

    • Aisyah Post author

      fake aisyahrozi blog. HAHA ok itu lawak. lemme know if you need some pictures. hahaha.

      and will look into posterous, and thanks. 🙂

  • hehe, looking for a new sponsor perhaps? do inform me of your new blog, if youre going to make one..

  • wordpress.com takbest,banyak limitation. gud luck 😀

  • ish dont stop blogging lah macik!

  • Noooooooooo!
    Don’t gooooooooooooo!

  • Hai aisyah..
    I’d follow ur works for long time..and I see that u’ve done great jobs.. whatever u do..freelance or else..but u’ve nice creativity.
    i think u should continue ur creativities and upgrade ur skills for advanced designs..
    if u could do that..i mean u want to continue ur works even u are in study..and there would be someone willing giving u sponsorship.
    or i can donate for u…
    if u interest, pls tell me by email to:

  • teruskan usaha anda dalam berblogging…hehehe..

  • sokong orang di atas 🙂

  • I’ve enjoyed following your blog for a long while now (I get the RSS feeds). I will be missing your entertaining writing style. I got lots of laughs reading your posts 🙂

    However, if you feel you’ve matured and no longer desire to share your personal life stories, then I’d be happy to at least keep following your creative works. I think you are very talented in design (digital, architectural, fashion…). Keep up the great work!

    • Aisyah Post author

      thank you so much Ani, I really appreciate your support. oh well, good news, I won’t delete this blog. so that’s a yeay 😀

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