Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

a random stuff.

This evening, I was home and bored, wondering what could I do to kill the time. Oddly, I had never feel bored to the core this holidays; my time was always filled with things to do, be it watching movies, hanging out, shopping or sewing. Oh, and also, day dreaming of course. Anyways, as I was thinking what to do (or perhaps what to blog about) I came across a tweet by Nanyate on what girlfriends vs boyfriends google on.

Go check it out, it’s hilarious. Then, I suddenly remembered what my brother tried to google:


HAHAHA KENTUT BERAPI pun ada orang google wtffff!

and if you think this is a super lame joke, shame on you!!! hahah.

btw, I’ll update you guys on my latest projects as soon as I got ze pictures aite? 😉

so this is . :(

oh wow. Where did I go? Hm, that was quite a long hiatus without notice? (then again nobody cares). hahahahhaha! Truthfully,I want to make some changes in this blog. I want to update on my latest creations, whatever it may be, sketches, studio assignments, clothes, photos, and maybe paintings if I’m not too embarrassed. These past few months, after this blog was hit by a lot of visitors once upon a time, I no longer feel comfortable blogging about my ‘interesting’ daily life experience. So I think it’s best to officially make some changes.

So I have two choices.

Number one, keep this blog, redesign, and update on arts.

Number two, say goodbye and if I want to continue blogging, get hosted on some free weblog host, like Blogger or WordPress.com and start blogging there.

Although, I intend to make my next blog (or my newly enhanced, whatever you want to call it) to be very, very, casual and of course, less vulgar words. and less horny jokes. If I can I help it. hahahah. HOWEVER, option number one is not possible so far cause I am broke as always, soooooo I’m left with option number two.



This is why I didn’t update my blog lately, I know I’ll have to write this entry at some point. It’s. too. painful. *cries more*


BTW, this blog expires on 29th January I think. So.. I can still update some more stuffs while I can.

Just in case if I didn’t get to update for some unforeseeable reasons, I want to say thank you to those who had and have been supporting me for all these short two years and I’m so sorry if I have offended anyone in any way.

Also, big, big, bigggggggg thanks to Muhammad Khairul of Sembangkomputer for sponsoring this blog for a year. Thanks a bunch! Here, some hugs and kisses from me. hehe :p

er.. sketch #001?

I don’t know if I can write anymore. Everytime I write some proper entries, I feel like it’s shit and just leave it like that as drafts. So I thought since I couldn’t write anything, maybe I should post some sketches instead. Plus, it helps to keep me in practice.

It’s been so long since I last sketched, I can barely remember how to hold a pencil.


left: ink  right: 4B & 6B pencils.

These two sketches or shit, you can call it whatever you like, is drawn based on photos.

I’ve been meaning to draw a crane. And crane I shall draw.  I don’t know why.

A crane…


My exam has ended. It was one-day exam. Technical English and Building Construction only. That’s the thing about Architecture, or most design courses -you don’t have to sit for much exams, just more on the technical or theory stuffs. I should be really happy, yes. Gone are the days of FML moments until next semester. yeay.

But for some reason I’m not really… happy? I don’t know why, I wasn’t even relieved. Okay, maybe a little bit.

That evening, I went home, cooked dinner for my family and right after dinner, I went to sleep, woke up for 3 hours and got back to sleep. After a grand total of 14 hours of sleep (as payback to those sleepless nights), I woke up only to feel dizzy whole day and took 6 tablets of paracetamols. haish. I think I’m a workaholic. I get depressed when I don’t have any work.


I really have no idea how I did this semester. NOT AT ALL. I can’t even tell which subject I’m gonna get an A. I don’t know. I usually can tell, but not this time. Not even IBS.


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