Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3


I was pretty excited to go to the event. But, a day before the event, I wanted to sew a maxi dress to wear to the event but I was having quite a headache and plus I thought a lot of people would wear maxi dress and I was right. LOL. I was feeling so fat I pretty much had a hard time choosing what to wear. In the end I found a dress that apparently I hadnt worn yet. -____-

It was a pretty much a bad day for me so I thought maybe a colourful outfit could cheer up my mood a lil’ bit. hahah.

I was planning to go alone but a friend of mine, Fad  tagged along at the last minute. We both didn’t really know the way to Solaris Dutamas so I thought why not. We got there at exactly 3pm and it was too late! The tickets were gone and we couldnt get in! I was so frustrated cause I really wanted to see the fashion show and also see Yuna. Bummer.

Anyway, so, we hung out at the gallery and stumbled upon Fad’s cousin, Syirah and her friends. Then, we had some drinks and food with Syirah and her friends at Pappa Rich while waiting for Hana and Yuna to come out for the meet and greet session.

Syirah, Me, and two random girls I asked to join us. LOL. The one on the right is Miza if I’m not mistaken. and the other one is… Liz? Laila? Alia? If you’re reading this, let me know!

Me and the guy I picked up I dont know where.haha

and oh, I met SueAnnaJoe! I was so surprised that she’s so small! Sweeet sangat!  She’s friendly too. heheh.

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Malay Engagement Tradition

The Malays have a lot of traditions. And one of it being wedding traditions. They are so many traditions, events whatsoever. Part of wedding tradition is the engagement tradition. Unlike the kneel-on-one-knee proposal, the Malay engagement is very much different. There’s a ceremony.

Now, let me clarify that I am not a fan of traditions. I couldn’t care less about the traditions if its nothing related to the requirements of Islam. In Islam, when the guy or the woman agrees when asked to be married, then they’re engaged. So, there are actually people who get engaged without knowing. You can dig more about this yourself.

So, what happens in Malay engagement ceremony? From what I’ve been told, it sounds like a very awkward ceremony, pardon me. The guy’s family and relatives come to the girl’s house where they will have representatives to talk on behalf of each other’s family. This will usually be the uncle or a family friend/ dad’s friend. They are then set the date, the hantaran and mahar. Hantaran is the amount of money for the guy to give to the girl’s family to support the wedding and mahar is the amount of money for the future bride to keep. Mahar is a requirement in Islam, while hantaran is just a tradition. Hantaran is usually at least RM5000 now. Back then, it used to be atleast RM1000. Mahar min is according to states and for Selangor, it’s RM300 which is not a burden at all for most people. Anyway, them talking about the amount of money is already awkward enough.

Then, the girl. The girl will sit at a corner, or a center or in a room where she’ll have a nicely decorated mini dais to sit on, alone obviously. And awkward. I’m not sure what’s the purpose of this but I think it’s pretty much related to the hantaran (gifts) for the engagement. As if we can’t put the gifts on a table. Maybe they want to emphasize that the girl is actually receiving/accepting the gifts? I don’t know. I understand it’s somekind of appreciation for the girl, but let’s face it. It’s not the guy’s side who’s doing the mini dais thing. And if they really want to show that they appreciate the gifts, the girl’s side is already giving back an extra two gifts. and there’s food and warm welcoming. It’s not that I’m a cheapskate but isn’t that already loud and clear? While I perfectly understand the girl wanting to look pretty and all, I don’t understand the girl’s overdressing to an extend it looks like it’s for solemnization. I mean, she’s a future bride for god’s sake not a bride!

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Fisheye update #1

So I finally processed my film. hahah. and oh guess what? I’m officially on holidays! oh yeaaah uh-huh!

anyway, here are the pictures! 😀

Aidil Adha

That night, my family and I went to I-city. My mum was so curious so we went there to check it out that night. Had fun snapping photos and my dad learned the art of camwhoring. HA-HA.






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oh, look what I found!

Somehow, I was viewing my own [lame] myspace profile, and I found this video! This was uploaded 3 years ago using my old youtube account (which I forgot the pasword) when my sister was 5 years old.

Aww can’t believe she’s so big now. <3

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