Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

Guess who has a boyfriend?

My sister didn’t log out her facebook account so I decided to stalk her, see what’s she doing on facebook. haha, bad sister, I know. But this is for her own good.LOL!  Then, I saw her classmate posted on her wall, I couldn’t help laughing about it. hahahaha.

Picture 27Funny thing is, their teacher also have facebook! HAHA. And I can see how sorry her friend is.  And Aida seems like she’s not even bothered about her friend teasing her. haha, good girl.

Okay, I’m off to college in a bit.

Kg. Kepayang: A time capsule.


Last Friday we had a class trip to Kg. Kepayang, Ipoh. I wasn’t excited for the trip at all cause I thought it’d be really boring. But when I got there, I actually got pretty amused with the old shophouses. It was once used to be a really live and happening place. There were once shops, entertainment place, and at night, there was prostitutes and stuffs like that. Basically a small city. Now, it’s all decaying, the government wants to demolish the place but some of the owners of the buildings couldn’t be found, and since it’s a freehold land, they can’t do much about it.

To me, walking around that place was such a discovery, almost like an adventure. It was as if I was walking through time. I was imagining the life in there 120 years ago as I snapped the pictures. There are still about 5 families still living in those shophouses. And perhaps 3 to 4  shops such as workshop, barber shop, fertilizer’s shop and Feng Shui place.

Inside one of the shophouses. There's a well down there.

I think this used to be some kind of a courtyard space, maybe?

Some of us, taking pictures with the locals. 🙂 From left, is the uncle we interviewed, he's the owner of the fertilizer shop. The guy on the motorcycle trishaw was on the way to pick up his kids from school.

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Hari Bersimpati

Picture 22

Lerrr sedihnya kitorang ahahahaha!

Fisheye #2: Beach & Malacca

So not too long ago I told you guys about the films I finally processed, and here’s the sequel. hahah

First, was a random trip to PD beach with my family. Aida was begging for it so my dad my dad just spontaneously went to PD just for her. hahah.


mum and dad, chillin'


she is the reason why we got there. lol


my lovely sister


Now, moving on to Malacca trip I had with my friends. It was unexpectedly fun and more like a vacation that a site study trip. hehehe


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