Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

Masak Apa? : Inventing My Own iPad Application for Maxis

iPad is a great piece of machinery from Apple. It’s been widely used in many sectors for entertainment, business, household and many more.  Based on my readings, iPad apps are commonly used for business people to increase their productivity while on the go. For Artists, Photographers and designers to lug around their portfolios. and, for busy mothers or single parent to cook for the family.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. Productivity. Portfolio and COOKING. It’s no surprise since food is our major necessity. Everything is about food these days. and yeah, money too. haha

Problem Statement

So, is any of the situations listed below sounds familiar?

  1. Everyone’s asking what to cook – Have you ever been asked by your mom, “nak Masak Apa?” or your dad asking, “Masak Apa tu?” or yourself asking, “Masak Apa malam ni?” The key question here is, what to cook?
  2. Limited ingredients. (oh no!) – Bachelors and newly weds most probably don’t have ready live stock and all the herbs like a normal household since they’re too busy.. uh.. you know.
  3. Super hectic lifestyle – Sometimes, you just want to prepare a snack or a quick meal because you have tonnes of work to do and you don’t really have time to think about what you eat. You just want to slap the kitchen and get a quick meal out of it that probably doesn’t involve mayonnaise and beef pepperoni.
  4. Losing the pounds – The most important thing for dieting is counting calories. Per meal should be around 200-300 calories, beyond these figure, it’ll be tough to lose weight. Similar for athletes and performers, they need to be in shape.
  5. Tight Budget – For those who wishes to spend less or planning to save money.
  6. For Specific occasion – Like cooking a romantic dinner, Hari Raya rendang, Thanks Giving roasts. Surely you’d wanna impress your guests, right?
  7. Boredom – *gasps* You don’t know what to do with your iPad anymore! or maybe you just want to try out different recipe.

Please, don’t fret. Grab your coffee, sit back and keep reading.


Presenting to you the, Masak Apa? App for iPad! It addresses all of the above concerns. So now, you don’t have to worry about losing your hair thinking about what to cook. Of all the problems that you have, huh? 😛


Masak Apa? app


  1. Displays pictures of ingredients (in case you don’t know how what type of fish or veggie Hahaha)
  2. Choose the type of food you want. Malay, French, Morroco, whichever your taste buds prefer.
  3. Plugins for Top Chefs’ recipe (sold seperately), a fail safe approach cooking.
  4. Displays number of calories and nutritional values for each meal to help making healthier choices.
  5. Tool to edit number of servings complete with conversion from metric to US or vice versa.
  6. Shows the estimated time to prepare for the meal.
  7. Users can contribute, rate and review recipes (using the Internet). Helps the knowledge sharing among the app users. Or knowing whether is going to taste good or bad or how to make it taste better. There’ll be tonnes of recipe as the app starts to mature. So the developer doesn’t need to worry about manually adding recipe.



Recipe search. You may type general ingredients and click on it to select from the picture display.*


Picture display. Recognize the ingredients that you have and select them here.*


Rate, review and get your nutritional info here on the recipe page* (source)


With Masak Apa? app, you have absolutely no reason to live on instant noodles or eat unhealthy takeout food. Heck, you can even have a gourmet burger at home! That being said, you can also impress your spouse instead of that lame trick of buying food at Nasi Campur and claiming you cooked it. Hopefully, this app will be beneficial to improve your lifestyle and diet. Most importantly, it saves time and energy.


Make use of your iPad in the kitchen! (source: Fast Company)

Head on over to Maxis to make your iPad useful, anywhere you go!

Maxis contest participant badge

*images for illustration purposes only

p.s, I wish Maxis can turn my Masak Apa? iPad app into a reality! 😀


  • is the application really exist? erm, if it’s really exist then, it’s really helpful… and suitable only for those who have extra cash 🙂

  • syadcun!

    coll gila okay! kalau i ade ipad, i will definitely ambik this app. I kan baru start masak sekarang, ingredients pun tak kenal:P useful la ade gambar of ingredients and number of calories! 🙂

  • good luck on the entry!

  • omg omg omg i do so ever want this! well you know, dah nak kawin nanti risau laki lari makan kat luar je everyday pfftt ;p i really hope you win! all the best

    • Aisyah Post author

      hahah thanks! oh, me too! I’m most afraid of getting fat due to eating out all the time. So, if I could cook variety of good healthy food, then that’d be awesome!

  • I would get this app because I can’t decide what to eat. It certainly sounds like a good app! Plus, I don’t even know the difference between types of veggie or fish.

  • You lost. some stupid ass won with the idea of multiple browser in the ipad. I find that very ridiculous. I thought Safari can already browse multiple page at one time? Seriously fucked up NuffNang and Maxis. To begin with, he has multiple account, having both Digi and Maxis evanglist. Babi betul laaaaaaaa KIMAK LAA LU NUFFNANG!

    • Aisyah Post author

      seriously? I don’t mind losing, but to hear the winner won over something like that is just ridiculous. and yes, safari already has multiple page. and there’re also other browsers being offered on itunes, too. I wasn’t even informed of the winner. atleast not by email, which nuffnang would normally do. Pretty weird. anyway, nuffnang is soo biased.

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