Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

Mole, anyone?

I was randomly picking up books from the shelf beside my bed and I found the book, bought by my sister, Arina a while ago but hasn’t been read by anybody due to its confusing and boring way of writing. Too many characters with french names. Know what I mean? And guess what it’s turned into. I’ll let you guys observe the cover of the book scanned below.

Art of Murder by Aida

The Art of Murder how to do mole by Aida. ahahahah!

Until next time, toodles!

P.s, for those who still don’t know, Aida is my 8 y.o sister.

P.s, threw away ALL the patterns I’ve drawn. Almost 2 years of work. Gonna have a fresh start, do everything all over again.


The engagement ceremony went well yesterday, despite the chaos that happened that morning and my friend, Asma who was supposed to do my makeup overslept and came half and hour late. Hahah. The guy’s side came at exactly 11 am and waited for a few minutes outside of the house before coming in. I was still rushing to get my tudung la whatever together and came down only to get immediately pulled into the room that was decorated (?).

I also had my cousin to take the pictures, and he’s no photographer, so,  pardon the quality.


Eddie's family, upon entering the house. His mum looks so cheerful. hehe


Eddie and his uncle. I think he wanted to just wait outside while the discussion was going on but I'm not sure who asked him to come in. and oh, thank god he shaved his mustache! hahahaha!

They first discussed about the mas kahwin, hantaran (if any) and also the date of the wedding. They also discussed about the terms and agreements about the engagement and if, god forbid, the engagement is broken.  So, the wedding date is gonna be on 16.7.11, insyaAllah. After that, it was time for the girl (me, ehem) to receive the ring as a symbol of agreement.


Eddie's mum, putting the ring on me. I was so nervous if the ring wont fit cause I gained some weight. Hahah.

4At this time, I couldn’t hold my laughter because my stupid awning bumped into her hands. It was so embarrasing but, oh well, what can I do. I’m not used to having awning over my head. hahahaha.

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Falsies: on trial

Warning: Disturbing vain images ahead.

My engagement is like a bomb of DIY stuffs. From hantaran to my dress to the so-called mini dais, to the soap flowers! Yes, flowers made out of soap! It makes the room smelling fresh and… soapy. But my dad said it smells like a bathroom after somebody had shower in it. hahaha!

Another DIY thing is my makeup. I am not hiring any makeup artist whatsoever. Yeah, I know, snooze. So, I’m doing the makeup myself! Did a test makeup about tow days back and I did another one just now, just to practice so that I won’t panic the morning of engagement.

I’m also discovering false eyelashes. (wow!) haha. I’m not the kind of person who wears makeup that much. I only slap those translucent foundation lightly, stroke some eyeliner, some lip balm and I’m ready to go. But I’d apply some eyeshadows if I’m extra rajin for occasions. hehe.

ANYWAY, false eyelashes are such a new thing to me. I’m not really into them cause it makes me  look fake and dolly-ish. Most probably it’s because I have small (and slanted) eyes so I don’t think I’d pull it off. However, I’ve always been so curious about those falsies and decided to give ’em a try. I kinda like the result but I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for my engagement. So, I’ve taken some pictures for you to judge and tell me what you think.

Also, I know being pretty (or atleast try to) in pictures isn’t really me but I figured I don’t really have decent camwhore pictures as most of my camwhore pics involve me squinting my eyes or make weird faces hahah.

argh, this is degrading my reputation. but, whatever, here goes..


Pandangan hadapan

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Engagement Prep; the room! or shall I say, the chair? or the DRESS?!

Sooooooooo my parents worked their ass off today! My dad was painting some parts of the house. Repainted some of the furnitures. Stuffs like that. It was pretty nice seeing the work being done and helping out *coughs*sort of*coughs*. haha. After my dad changed the light bulbs, mum asked me to take a few pictures in the room just to see how it’d look like in pictures.


Ta-da! hahah. Well, it’s really simple. I don’t want anything grand. But hmm don’t expect me to sit there awkwardly, alone and deserted. haha. That’s just for fun of taking pictures hokay. Make it nicer a lil’ bit. And the chair is actually garden chair. Or a wing chair (?), a bench, sitting place or whatever you want to call it. Mum made the cushion using cotton canvas fabric. Pretty awesome. We moved two big fake trees from the living to each side. But the proportion of the trees make the chair looks so small. haha. I pointed that out to my  mum and she said pictures shouldn’t include the trees and if I were going to take pictures with my friends, they can cover the trees. HAHAHA. Funny mum.

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