Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

Say Hello to Miss Pink Fisheye No.2 ;)


I can’t believe I finally own it! I’ve been wanting to own a lomo myself since last year in June or so. Wanted an Actionsampler, then a Fisheye, then suddenly I got interested with Diana F+, then, I got itchy to get a polaroid, then back to Diana F+ then back to Fisheye. After a long, long, consideration, and hours and hours of searching for a good deal online, I’ve finally decided to settle for Fisheye No.2.

and it’s PINK! gagaga


The reason why I’ve been putting off buying a lomo is that I had not been able to save the money (a girl has her needs okay). Then again, I guess it definitely was a blessing in disguise that I put this off for so long cause I’m able to have it in pink! FYI, pink is the new edition of Fisheye No.2 (they had chrome before).Oh, How can you resist such a pretty color!


Hello ๐Ÿ™‚

I could get the white one, but pink seems more fun and exciting, just how a lomo should be. I bought this at Mooks, Pavilion for RM285, same price as the white one, but the black one is retailing the cheapest, RM250. Lucky for me, it’s Chinese New Year holidays, and everyone seemed to be out of town and OMG, the roads in KL were so smooth and I felt like going here and there, get lost, just to enjoy the beauty of KL without the honking and drastic breaking. So perhaps that’s one of the reason contributing to why was I so eager to get one. Quite spontaneous actually.

Anyway, the camera has a flash and captures a view of nearly 180 degrees. Also as an addition to the previous version, Fisheye One, it has several shooting mode, normal shooting with fixed aperture (f/8) and shutter (1/100), and long exposure (BULB). Plus, it has a multi-exposure switch that lets you capture as much shots as you want into one frame. Although normally people combine only up to four shots in a frame or else you’ll get just shit picture, nothing- you-can-make-of, unpleasant abstract photo. If you do it right, (or if you’re lucky) you can get a really amazing multi exposure photos. No.2 also has a fisheye viewfinder mounted on a hotshoe. This means you can add additional flash to enhance your images. It uses a standard 35mm film which you can get anywhere. The flash operates on a single AA battery.

I showed my dad the camera.

Me: try to look through the viewfinder. Spot the difference? *happy face*
Dad: er…
Me: It’s fisheye view!
Dad: *straight face*
Me: It uses film, though. Much more exciting.
Dad: How much?
Me: RM285
Dad: I don’t see the point.

Hmm. That’s my dad. One problem with this camera though. The pink color is apparently attracting my sister, Aida to play around with it. Remember what she did to my iMac? yeap, I’m scared.

Also, I managed to get an ISO 800 film (which is pretty rare). So I can shoot indoors without worrying too much if my pictures will turn out dark, yeay! On the downside, pictures might get overexposed in very bright condition. However, I’ll process the film first before I try another type of film, and perhaps keep trying different films to see which one works for me. I’ve actually tried a lomocam before, an Actionsampler I borrowed from a friend a while ago but I’ve yet to process the film and I’m very curious to see how they turn out! ๐Ÿ˜€

Oh, I still can’t believe I finally own this! I’m so so happy!! Welcome to the family, Miss Pink Fisheye. Meet my boyfriend iMac, and my travel companion, Canon 1000D and my sewing machine, and my overlocking sewing machine. hahah. I wish I still have my deleted entries so I could link ’em. and no, that doesn’t mean I regret deleting my old posts.

I’m so excited weeee!! xD *jumps around the house* How can I emphasize on how happy I am? hahah.

p.s, Anyone knows where to get slide films in Klang valley or in KL?

p.p.s, What the hell is lomo? See collections ofย photos taken by Fisheye cameras.

p.p.p.s, Saffawati has one, too. =D


  • I don’t see the point either.

    Anywyay, happy lomo-ing! ^_^

  • ur dad same as mine,
    asal beli something, not using his money, maknanya takyah explain sebelum beli, mesti dia didn’t see the point. hahaha..

    sumpah kiut gile ah warna pink lagi!
    selamat berlomo !

  • huyoh. dah ada fisheye, pink lagi tuh. nice one!
    i got my own toy cam, holga. bleh la kite lomo-ing sama2 next time. yeay! haha.

    well anyway, happy lomo-ing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • hello fisheye no. 2 ~ saya lomo lca+ ~ tapi saya ada jugak toy cam kaler pink. hahaha.

    happy lomo-ing ~ ๐Ÿ™‚


    *jumping up and down*

    it is sickenly PINK!!!

    suke sampai rs nk kena heart attack!

  • cute je pink.=)
    of course aida akan tertarik. pink tu. haha
    letak tempat tinggi2. =P

  • Wow, what an awesome camera! I love that it’s pink! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Aisyah Post author

      yeaaap, but since it’s pretty much fixed, I have to rely more on my manual skills (if i ever have one) hoho =P thanks anyways!

  • That’s cool for Fisheye. I got SMENA 8M.

  • show some photo taken from it will you? eager to see ๐Ÿ™‚

  • rasanya dah reply kat komen atas tu, tapi tak keluar.
    so reply lagi kat sini ๐Ÿ˜› sorry

    its a TLR toy camera. blackbird fly, ( tak pernah dengar kan ? rupa dia cam TLR Lubitel tapi design dia lagi modern )

    • Aisyah Post author

      oh yeaa, I saw in the spam comments, I thought I approved it, guess I accidentally delete it with all other spam comments. sorry =/

      ph, blackbird fly, heard and seen, interesting as well. and great that it’s pink as well ;D

  • ala i want a new toy also =(
    im bored of my current toys.

    p/s; aisyah b.c, i fucking hate u now. teehee xD AHHAHAHA

  • tak ske camera pakai film, sebab tangan aku ketar2.. hoho, dah ade 1000D apsal main lomo lg? nie mesti nak mempoyokan diri, haha

    • Aisyah Post author

      eh, u bukan ambik medic ke? shouldn’t a doctor has very very stable hands? LOL

      oh, agak mempoyokan diri ah. haha takdelah, this is just a toy. seronok nak main. fisheye kot, mana tak seronok! xD

  • lyana madihah

    slide film-try beli dgn lomokids @ lomokidsshop.blogspot.com

    • Aisyah Post author

      yeah, tried that, but apparently they don’t have any in stock. same goes for theclickshop. oh well, I’ll try to ask around local photo shops. They have them sometimes, let’s see if I could get lucky. huhu

  • Umm…what happened to the custom girly-girly theme? Am I on the right blog? LOL.

  • PINK! ZOMGGGG… Jealous giler okayhhh!

    Actually Saffa nak sangat yang White Edition, tapi.. Kawan Saffa semua tak supportive.. Suruh amik yang hitam! =_=” “Saffa, it just colour.. bla bla bla”

    Masa mula2 pakai FE2, Saffa pakai Neg Film 200, 400 and expired films. Tapi semua macam err sama jer. Hahahahahahaha..

    Masa awal2 tu, Saffa tak berani pakai Slide Films sbb mahal sangat. RM17-24 per roll. Tapi, lepas try Slide Films.. terus addicted!

    Effect sangat-sangat AWESOME. Colors dia striking. Kalau tengok gambar FE2 pakai negative film.. mmg rasa excited. Tapi, gambar2 lomo slide films lagi sangat-sangat EXCITED..

    To conclude, tak payah memabazir masa n duit pakai negative films.. Pakai slide films! Haha.

    Saffa selalu dapatkan stock Slide Films dekat Foto Mega, Wangsa Maju. Dia ada jual online. evanhsw.blogspot.com

    • Aisyah Post author

      HAHAHA Aisyah pegi beli with my male friends and they both asked me to get pink cause it looks more me! I was quite baffled whether to get white cause it looks stylish, too. hoho. kudos to my very fashionable male friends. hahahaha.

      oh neg films memang suma sama jeee. huhu. tapi ntahlah, I try je lah dulu yg neg ISO 800 ni pun mahal gila kot utk negative film, RM21 per roll. sebab ISO 800 sgt jarang so tu pasal beli jugak. tadi baru gi hantar kedai utk cuci. takpelah, test dulu tengok camne. and, saffa ada penah upload tak gambar2 guna slide films? please tunjuk links, nak tengok lah.

      and, thanks for the link. also, selalu saffa cuci gambar kat mana?

  • fiza.

    i got diana F+ mr. pink. buleh geng :”>

    i beli filem and process filem semua dekat this one shop dekat PJ. rasenye area PJ ada dua kedai jual filem untuk lomo.

    • Aisyah Post author

      oh cool, ada geng! yeaay. hahaha. oh, PJ kat mana tu? mind giving me the shop name and the address? ๐Ÿ™‚

      • fiza.

        sure. sure. this one yang i slalu pegi. Fotosun Digital Studio, 133, Jalan SS2/24, PJ. harga okay, service pun okay.

        the other one i tak penah pegi – Image Foto Modern, 68, jalan SS2/60, PJ.

        if you nak slide films, maybe u boleh cari kat CM coz my fren penah beli kat situ. kedai dia nama Central Photo Inn, u masuk dari pintu depan CM, kedai dia on your left. or another one dekat Applied Imaging dekat Jalan Burhanuddin Helmi, Taman Tun Dr. Ismail.

  • ouch… both of u girls already owned it!!! it was a few days ago, when the lomo word came to mylife. and exactly, i’m in love with lomo. haishh… dah stat brangan nak beli satu. which 1 should I choose? btw, fish eye is not my priority. recommend me please~

  • Pingback: Lomography. Apa itu lomo? | JHafiz

  • Esty

    Wow I love it!! Did u get from rofl.com? ๐Ÿ˜€

  • Ketika anda masuk ke pusat, menghapus tersedak dengan sendok dan dip sisanya. kentangkamu kentangkamu

  • shameera

    is it a good quality camera? cause i planned to buy one to ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Aisyah Post author

      quality wise, not so, as it’s made of plastic. Just be sure not to drop it. But it’s a nice toy camera to play with.

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