Hi, my name is Aisyah Rozi. This is my personal blog where I share my life experience, thoughts, ideas and occasionally, my projects. Recently, however, I share a lot about being a young mother. I'm also a YouTuber, so do checkout my channel! <3

what is this 114A bull?

I never really had the faith in Malaysian justice system. I mean, pedophile rapist get away with crime just because he’s a national sportsman, and the guy who committed a small crime such as not wearing a helmet paid eavier punishment than the person who was involved in multi-million bribery. Really? Well, I thought I still have hope and would like to contribute to my country someday.

.. Until I found out about the recent amendment to 114A. Though I’m not sure if it’s already official since I couldn’t find that information (somebody please help me out?). [Edit: This amendment is already passed by the parliament.]

(source: Malaysiakini)

In a nutshell, this amendment is saying that any publication is under the responsibility of the shown name, whereby the publisher, co-publisher, or simply the people sharing the publication, including, the blog/website owner, and wifi/internet provider is hold accountable for the publication. Basically, anybody that is involved directly or not can be prosecuted.

For example, a blog owner may be charged for a comment left on his blog by another person. Or even the owner of a facebook profile with nasty friends. So, basically, you may be the next person going in and out of the court, and possibly doing jail time just because you did not think twice about posting your opinion. Seriously, this system is soooo messed up.

Yeap, you guessed it, now my hope for a better Malaysia just went down the drain.

Wait, actually, that happened when 1Malaysia logo started popping up all around Malaysia and they burned my eyes to the ground. We’re so f*cked, people! haha T_T


p.s, I have a theory, you’d have to have no brains to be part of the decision makers in our government. Smart people, well, they’re too smart stay away from all this bullshit.

p.p.s, Now, let us all share something, initiate something and see if they can bring us ALL down. LOL!

p.p.p.s, Wait, will I get charged or sued for posting the statement above?

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